10 Tips for Helping Aging Parents Now!
Many of us are facing situations right now or anticipate facing them soon where we will find ourselves taking on a much greater role in...

Tips For Seniors When Downsizing
The seasons of life change for everyone and ultimately at some point in time you will begin pondering whether it is time to downsize. ...

Probating a Loved One's Estate
There may be nothing you’d rather think of than the Probate process. However, death is inevitable for all of us, and immediately...

Make That New Year's Resolution - You Need an Estate Plan!
Well, it’s here! The new year is upon us. Yes, it is now 2019 and if you are like most Americans you are thinking about your...

Planning for a disability could be crucial
In a recent study conducted by UCLA's Fielding School of Public Health, it was estimated that the number of Americans with Alzheimer's...

How Often Should I Review My Life Insurance Documents?
Life insurance can be a very important part of your estate plan, and it is extremely important that you understand how your beneficiary...

Keep Your Body and Mind Healthy As You Age - A New Year's resolution
It’s a new year and we all know that we can feel both internal and external pressure to follow some new year’s resolutions. Well, this...

Thanksgiving is a great time to discuss planning with parents
"I'm visiting my parents at Thanksgiving", a current client told me the other day. "Both of them are 69 years old and recently retired. ...

Remarried? The Importance of Estate Planning for Blended Families
So you are remarried and thinking about your estate plan. How do your thoughts differ than what they may have been when you married the...

Finding the Right Lawyer to Hire
Locating a good lawyer who can efficiently help you with a particular legal problem can be difficult for some. People in need of legal...